Monday 11 March 2013

You are that Sunshine...

After I met you..... I feel that it was you...... who  I was searching for.......!!

You are that  Sunshine..... For whom I was awake till now.....
Who makes my dream more beautiful....

You are that dark cloud........ Which can quench my thirst........For whom I was thirsty till now......!!

My heart desires you .....I desire you.....each and every moment ......As if you have to be mine.... No matter what...... & if I get you......I will get peace.....                  

Your memories haunt me all the time...... as I am continuously burning in your Sunshine..... and it is the scarf of your love which can give me protection!!

Without you......My heart  is crying and aching with pain .......... Calling you to come to me.......

Irrespective of the attachment.......  You look so detached....

Irrespective of your brightly lit face.......... You are depressed.....

Please come to me......... & Hold me tightly........ Cos I am all yours....

...& so are you........ My breath..... My Soul........   


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