Thursday 18 April 2013

Some call it Love..... For Some it is the Divine....

I see your halo .....All around...... 
Just  like the Divine  Light piercing through the darkness...... 
It is as if I see you ...Here....  There....  Everywhere......  

This Light....
What Light is this........??!!!

..... Is there anyone else other than you ....Who I can ask.....??!!!!

When I asked the kept mum.....

When I asked the blushed..... 

I  asked the birds ......Where they came from....... and where were they flying towards........?!!

I asked silence...... Where can I find its voice........?!!

The music....... the flowers.....the  leaves.....the  colors....   
They all answered......
Life was  a mystery........ It still is........ What’s the use of knowing .......and who has known till date......?!!!

When I opened the veil........ I saw your wonders ........... 
When I took the steps/stairs..... it lead towards you......
When I actually opened my eyes.....  It was you who I saw......

In the buzz of the bees.......

In the misty clouds......... 

In the body of two lovers  & their single soul ...... 

In the notes of the music.....

It’s you and only you......... Who exists.....!!!

In the silliness of the heart...... In the wandering mind.....

I feel your fragrance everywhere......

Call it my fiery passion.......or a burning  desire...... or some kind of wild desperation......

What’s the use of knowing ........and who has known....?!!

Some call it Love......Some call it The Divine .....!!!

- EnigmaVision

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