Saturday 16 February 2013

An Untold Truth...

The paths were so lonely through which I have been walking all alone till now......

Almost a decade .....Maybe...!!!

It was as if I was punished  for  some unknown crime ....A crime which I could never actually commit....!!!

I was never  unfaithful.....But it seems  as if I was not  faithful either ......!!!

...Cos I decided not to love you anymore..... but  could not  stop loving you ever....!!!

Even after being separated from you.......Unknowingly...I have been burning in the fire of your passion...!!

The more I tried to go away from you.......... the more I was drawn towards you...!!

The things about which you had grievances....... Somehow... I went through those griefs myself.......!!

Whatever you must have seen or heard... maybe the truth..... But how much of it was true.....or to what extent......No one knows....

Just like an untold truth.......Which is still a truth!!!

It was as if I betrayed you....but  maybe it was destiny that betrayed us.....

In this game of love...... Who could differentiate between the right and the wrong....... Or who would dare to decide what is true and what is not...........??!!!


( )



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