Sunday 20 January 2013

In the Moonlit Nights...

In the moonlit nights when the whole world sleep......
I still remain awake.....talking to the stars........

I have been waiting since ages....Craving for you.... But still... You did not come........ 
& Now it seems as if my patience is depleting......!!

The strange pains that keep arising during the dusk & the dawn ....Scares me from within.....

The nights robbed me of my sleep...... & peace during days.....

The sad eyes searching for those loved moments....
In the moonlit nights...

Since so many nights... I have been crying secretly....
As my love slept peacefully in some foreign land.....

The heart beats of mine has been calling you......& your name......
Requesting you to come to me.......& Bring the Spring back to my life again....

In the come to me...& share.... a few happy & sad moments of life!!! 

- EnigmaVision

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