Friday 26 July 2013

Trying to Capture the Moment... Forever...

I am trying to capture this moment in my eyes a forever thing.......... cos I don't know how long I will be in this place.........

This place......... which has become a part of me.............. Some sort of definition....

As I see the deep..........gray............ light clouds passing by.........

The ones which rose they already showered somewhere............. ready to shower... some place else......

I can feel the cool moist breeze touching my face.............. Touching me........... My entire being.........

I am actually breathing it............ cos I want to capture it all!!!

This is a feeling which is so not possible to describe in words...........

Far away from the physical realm and realities of life........... accentuating my entire existence.........


Sunday 14 July 2013

I Live in a Dream World....

I live in a dream world..... known as  the Dreamland.......

Playing with the birds..... dancing among the waves....... flying  above the clouds...... 

Yes.......My life is no less than a dream........ 

........but dreams are not always good......  

......  sometimes we have nightmares too.... the scary....... bad ones........ 

.......Causing meaningless pain or misery....... fear & suffering........


Thursday 4 July 2013

I am Still Living....

Sometimes I forget to breathe..........

Then suddenly.....

 I realize that.... I am still living!!!
