Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Lost Soul...

The Lost Soul...

When my lost soul met yours....

There was a spark.... an instant connection..... a realization that... 
....yours was as damaged.... as broken.... as lost as mine.....

While I was trying to find my own.........
I ended up with yours.... 
Hoping that you would find mine....

The difference between you and me was that... I was aware of my lost... broken soul....... while you were born with one.... hence unaware...

I knew what was actually wrong..... 
You knew something was not right......

My world turned dark.... due to this dark world.....

You were already born in one....

My pain was that I understand certain things.... & feel terrible about it...

Your pain is that you don't understand those things..... & still feel equally terrible!!

You allowed me inside your dark.... lonely.... scarry.... and scary world..... as a ray of light....

Scared of my own darkness.... I wondered whether I was the ray of hope in yours....
or was it you.... in mine...?!!


Inside your dark world...


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