Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Lost Soul...

The Lost Soul...

When my lost soul met yours....

There was a spark.... an instant connection..... a realization that... 
....yours was as damaged.... as broken.... as lost as mine.....

While I was trying to find my own.........
I ended up with yours.... 
Hoping that you would find mine....

The difference between you and me was that... I was aware of my lost... broken soul....... while you were born with one.... hence unaware...

I knew what was actually wrong..... 
You knew something was not right......

My world turned dark.... due to this dark world.....

You were already born in one....

My pain was that I understand certain things.... & feel terrible about it...

Your pain is that you don't understand those things..... & still feel equally terrible!!

You allowed me inside your dark.... lonely.... scarry.... and scary world..... as a ray of light....

Scared of my own darkness.... I wondered whether I was the ray of hope in yours....
or was it you.... in mine...?!!


Inside your dark world...


The Soul of Soul....

Soul of soul...

The word "soul" fascinates me lately......
Maybe because the use of this particular word has increased tremendously over the recent years!
Wherever we go.... we hear this fascinating word.....SOUL!!!

Writers, painters, musicians, artists, architects, businessmen & even laymen.... everyone uses this word.
So, I wanted to know the real meaning of this word....SOUL.......
Maybe it is way too much than just a four letter word!

I am not interested in the bigger picture! I am just interested in the soul of the word soul!

It is said that everything has a soul. Even the things or entities that are non living! Be it humans, animals, a work of art or architecture or a superior soul (i.e. God)!

Sole Soul