Saturday 19 October 2013

I So Wanted to....

The Lonely Path...

I so wanted to love you.....
That it hardly mattered whether you are a man or a woman or something else.....

I so wanted to hold you.....
That it never mattered how........or to what extent.........  
I feel so lonely without you...

I so wanted to be with you..........
That it seemed futile to think of the miles between us...........

I so wanted to miss you..........
That you were there with me each and every moment.........Day and night..........Dawn to dusk......

Did I just say.......I wanted to?!!!

If you are with me then everything is beautiful and bright...


Tuesday 15 October 2013

Rain Rain Go Away....

It's raining inside and out!
The thoughts came flowing with it...
The words once blurred..
The memories, which were all washed away...
Hit me like a thunderbolt!
Questioning me about my whereabouts....
Leaving me with no explanations....

Maybe the rain could feel the rain inside me and hence could not stop!

Reigning my heart and ruining my existence was not enough that it came again?!

Those waters......that flowed down my cheeks..... were nothing but mere salt drops!
How much worth would mine be in that Ocean?!

"Rain rain go away...!", I said but then a voice within replied,"Not when people are enjoying!"
As in a few people dance to its rhythm. 
It is joy to them. A pleasure!
The lovers kiss each other on a rainy day.
Wet, wet is everything!
The feelings, the face, the lips... the clouds and the rain...
It isn't so bad when it rains!!

So what if it happened?! 
So what if I cried?!
So what if the rain never stops.......


Friday 4 October 2013

The Fire.......

The raging fire.....

 The fire in the forest can be extinguished  by the rain......

Fire in the world..... in the forest....

The same rain comes from the clouds........

The same clouds bring thunder and lightning.......

clouds and the rain...

 The same thunder and lightning, reminds us about the raging fire burning within us........

The same fire that is essential for our existence .......... well as the cause of destruction.....!!

The burning fire within ( inside) us....

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Everything was White......

Everything seems white...

Everything was white..........

Everything was white.... except me!!

Except me......!!!
