Tuesday 3 September 2013

Every Child has the Right to See the Clear Sky...

A few days back, I had a very strange dream................

It was not a usual, normal dream that we see everyday.... or... on a regular basis!
It was different..........
Very different from the ones that I usually see..........

There are a very few dreams that we remember....or could actually recall...
Clearly.......to the point...!!

I saw..........
I was at my old place/house.......... standing in the balcony.......... like the way I used to when I was a child...

I looked up in the sky and saw fighter planes and drones flying all around...........
I was frightened....

The very next moment I saw everything around me burned down and destroyed.................

Terrified.........I rushed inside..... to see whether everyone in my family was alright!!!

To my relief, everyone was fine............

The terrible situation led us to flee.........

After struggling for days .........
We reached a remote, peaceful place.........where we took shelter in a religious and charitable institution.

We thought that we were safe there......... but .... to our horror....... found out that in an emergency situation like this....... No place is safe!!!

The very next moment ...even that building was the target of a missile!!!
All the innocent people, monks and saints who were inside the building died!!

We were still alive because we were outside..... & were horrified to see such a thing happen in front of our eyes......!!

The terrible series of such events continued.......
....... and we continued running from one place to the other.........

Throughout the dream......... one thing that did not leave my mind.......not even for a second......
...and that was....FEAR!!!
Fear of loosing the near and dear ones........ fear of death....... fear of loosing everything.......fear of not knowing what is going to happen next......... fear of loosing peace of mind......forever......

This dream left me wondering ...... What happens to or goes on in the mind of those small children..... stuck in a situation like this.... ??!!!
When they look up ....... They don't see the clear sky........
They don't see the flying birds.......
They don't see the shining stars or the moon........
....and fall asleep.....peacefully......!!!!

Is this what we want to give our future generation?!!!

Every child in the world has the RIGHT to see the clear sky and it is our duty and responsibility to give them that.

War and destruction of any form has given us nothing!!! No country has gained...... No country will gain!!
How many examples do we need?!!!

They just bring chaos in peoples' lives ....... and a feeling of revenge in others....!!!
Initiated from the minds of a few power thirsty people......so that they can gain more power ..... more control....... more wealth ........leading to negativity and destruction everywhere!!!


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