Monday 19 November 2012

The Importance of Words the World of Feelings !!!

Sometimes ....Uhh.... Most of the times what matters most is not what we feel but what we say or speak. Is it always possible to describe feelings through words?!! Not everyone in this world is an author or a writer who can use beautiful words to describe all kinds or types of feelings. Hence it becomes extremely difficult for most to express their exact feelings through words. Feelings are supposed to be felt!! Isn't it?!  Now I guess, I am bringing in the concept of a soul mate here! Confusing isn't it?!

Words are what we say, read or write whereas feelings are something which we feel and expect others to feel and understand. So how can someone know what or how we feel till we describe those in words?! Which means feelings are dependent on words but words are not necessarily dependent on feelings. This is because a person can literally say anything or everything without actually feeling something or nothing. Hence in order to understand a person's true intentions or real feelings, words should not be given too much preference or importance because those can be used as a deceiving agent. 

It becomes easier for us to understand someones' feelings if a person is physically present in front of us. That is because we can see him/her and comprehend his/her mood (happy, sad, angry, satisfied/dissatisfied) through his/her facial expressions, body language, gestures etc. Which to some extent helps us to understand the person's feelings at that particular moment or time.

In a virtual world (like the internet & the social networking sites), even this becomes so difficult. The person is not physically present in front of us. We can't see them or hear their voice (Exception: Video/Audio Chat). In addition to that there are so many out there who are incognito. They don't want to reveal who they are in real life, where they are from and some of them don't even want to disclose their gender (male/female/others)!! In a situation like this the chances of miscommunication  is very high. The reason it increases is because written words can be interpreted and comprehended in various ways by different people at different points of time & situations...   Which is derived from the mood of a person...... Which again is derived from none but feelings...

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