Wednesday 18 May 2016

There will cometh a time...

If it continues this way… There will cometh a time… 

When there will be no sign of good… 
Only bad! 

There would be no air to breathe… 
No more water to pollute… 
No more lands to conquer… 
No more humans to destroy… 
Because everything would be already destroyed!

And in that destruction… 
None of your infinite money is going to help you escape… Or go anywhere… 

Because there is NOWHERE!

Nowhere to go… but to live (or rather say die) in this infinite hell that you created…



Tuesday 1 March 2016

I am...

I am...

The impractical in the practical world...

The insane in the sane world...

The callous in this compassionate world...

The insignificant in this meaningful world...

I am...