Monday 14 September 2015

I am waiting for that day...


I am waiting for the day... 

When the water cannot drown me...

When the fire can no longer burn me...

When the air cannot sway me...

When the earth cannot engulf me...


Wednesday 17 June 2015

The Conflict Within...

Most of the time.... 

It is not the external conflict that kills people....

It is the internal ones!!!

It is easy to fight with outsiders...

...and almost impossible to fight with the insider...

The battles won outside is of no importance if the internal battle is lost!!!

The so called close or related can cause more harm than any other entity...

That's because they got more emotional power over us....

...and it is the destruction of that very power.... through the same power..... makes a person completely powerless....


The Conflict Within...

Thursday 8 January 2015

So What If I Miss You...

So what... If I miss you...

So what..... If I miss you???

Miss you to the point where I can no longer miss you!!!

Miss you to the point where it becomes intolerable!!!

Miss you to the point where death seems easier!!!

So what.... If I miss you???

Miss you a lot... a lot.... a lot.....

Even "a lot" is not enough!!!

That never was a question in the first place....

The question is not whether I miss you!!!

The question is whether I should miss you or not???

If not.... How do I stop myself....???

Stop myself from missing you.... Or rather say... My own self!!!


I don't want to get lost...