Saturday 6 December 2014

We All Live to Hope and Hope to Live...

The Soul...

Everyone wants to live....

No one wants to die...

Even when we want to die.... We still hope to live....

Sometimes we want to die because we are not able to live.....

No one wants to die.....

Everyone wants to live....

Death is the ultimate reality.....

Life is hope, dreams, expectations, desires...........

My Soul...

We all want to live....

We all live to hope....

....& hope to live!


Friday 5 December 2014

I Want to Run Away...

I Want To Run Away...

Till this day...... I had been running and running and running......

Running away from myself.....

Now... I feel no other way......... but to run away from you.....

I have had enough........

I carried you... Long enough.....that led  to my confinement.

I don't need to live by the rules set for you.........

I don't need to abide by the restrictions imposed on you.....

I don't need to work in order to fulfill what is demanded of you....

Now........ No more.....

Now you have to tolerate me..... Till you can no more!!!


I don't want to carry you anymore...

Thursday 4 December 2014

When I Open My Eyes...

It is like a dream...

With you.... It is like a dream....

In fact.... It is a dream!

......but when I open my eyes............

You are no more with me...... 

Nowhere to be found....

When I Open My Eyes...

....and I find myself..... All alone...

In this crowded world......

....Where I feel.... I don't belong anymore!!!

I don't belong anymore...