Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Flawless Feelings....

Feelings are the least to be trusted...

Feelings are the least to be trusted.....

They are the ones.... filled with lots of emotions.... dreams.... and tears....

They reflect the unfulfilled desires of our soul....

.....& hence are so vulnerable that anyone might try to tap those for their own benefits....

....Using them against us!!

They seem so wide...open... and transparent just like glass and water...... 

.......but still gets reflected to us..... like a mirror..... by the soulless creatures....

...And we might end up feeling happy.....peaceful and content.... in the arms of those....... who have none!!!



Saturday 6 September 2014

When We Meet....

When we meet...

 It is as magical......

 ....As wonderful.....

........As beautiful........

Powerful & Divine

 .......As powerful........and divine....

Place where Gods & Angels meet...

As the place where Gods and Angels meet...


Save Me...

I am all around...

I am all around  you.....

Save Me...

Save Me...

Thursday 4 September 2014

I Wish.....


I want all my love relationships to end just after the honeymoon period........

So that.... I am left with only good memories.....


Left with only good memories...

Left with only good memories...

Only Good Memories...