Sunday 24 November 2013

I Live No More...

You are my Sunshine...

I exist in a World so dark that....... 
When you came as a ray of light.....
I was scared even open my eyes.... cos they would hurt!! 

I didn't know what to say.... 
I fell short of words....

I didn't know how to feel....
I got rid of feelings...

I didn't know how to convey...
I forgot to express...

I didn't know how to love... 
I forgot being loved....

My tears became so shy...
That they too look for solitude...

The walls around me got so strong.....
That I forgot to become vulnerable....  

I fear... I just breathe .... but live no more!!


I Live No More...

Sunday 17 November 2013

The Death of God...

The never ending demands/wants/desires of man

God was not killed once..... or twice!
He is killed everyday......Every moment.... every minute.... every second....

He was not killed by One.... or Someone....
He is killed by Everyone.....

It is said God is present in ALL of us....
...& as a part of that omnipresent being...
Whenever we kill others.... We kill God...
Whenever we kill ourselves...... We kill God.... 
Whenever we kill each other.... We kill God...

The dreams... the desires...... the needs... The love... the pain.... that make us.....
Whenever we kill these us as well as others... We kill God....

The soul.... The trust..... The sacrifice....
Whenever we kill these.... We kill God....

We kill God for quenching the thirst of power and greed....
We kill God for fulfilling our never ending wants or demands....
We kill God to create boundaries and walls....
We kill God when instead of believing in God we believe in religions...
We kill God when we don't Love but Fear God...
We kill God when we look within but find No God!!!


Look within and see no God...

The Reflection...

The Reflection...

The reflection....... however real it may look......  is still just a reflection!!!

I looked into the waters...... 
Still water...... 
& saw my reflection.....

It was peaceful...... hence deceiving....
I tried to make it... a little real....
So, threw a stone at it..... to create ripples.... 

It looked better.....
As it became a somewhat similar reflection of my inner self....

After that....I just walked away....
.... & so did my reflection...!



Tuesday 5 November 2013

I am Falling Again.......

I am falling again.......& I like it....... 
Or not......... but I am falling again..... 

Is it that I am becoming weak again...........?!!
Is it that I am being trapped again...............?!!
I am scared that I am falling for the same you again........!!

I am falling ..... falling again......
And I don’t want to lose control.......
....but I am losing control........
....& I fear... that I am falling again...
