Saturday 10 August 2013

The Haunted House...........

Today I am feeling so nostalgic..................

I am at a place.......... a house......kinda haunted...... which is more than three hundred years old........... Yes more than 3 centuries!!! (Maybe 4....... not sure....!!!)

 People say that it was owned by some king......... So it is not just a house........... but a palace.......

 It just feels great to be here.. !!!
 Everything is hazy .......... Unknown...............

So many people must have lived here..........
So many stories........... tragedies........... must have taken place....
All history now ...........
Or maybe not.......
Maybe they are still alive.......... inside the four walls of this palace..........

The walls.......... The arches........... The doors........ The windows........ Everything has its own story ....... & memories to share

 It seems as if the trees........ plants......... covering this place......  is also adding to its mystery!!!

They too are protecting...... or rather say trying to help .......  keep its serenity intact....!

 So many people must have looked through this window...............

 Suddenly I realized that this place is not just habituated by mysterious walls......... stories.......stairs........ghosts......... trees.........but also snakes...... the large venomous ones!!!

As I walked the lonely paths..... through the green grasses.......... I noticed something move..... At first I thought it was just a stick .......... The next moment I realized..... it was a snake... almost a six foot long  king cobra!!!

I was just one step away from death................. Cos I happened to have crossed  its path!!!

I stood there..... still.......... for more than a minute......... paying respect to none but the king of snakes.....

The rush that passed through my veins cannot be described ............ For a moment... even death seemed futile...!!

Death stared at me........... and seeing no fear in my eyes.............
Left me alone.........

Yes........... Even death left me alone........

 ........and I kept wondering........... & wandering through the timeless beauty of that place..........

I was Lost........... & for the first time ...this feeling of being lost was not killing me....!!!

In fact... it felt wonderful........soothing........ peaceful.........

I realized that...... Even the feeling of not knowing what is going to happen next can be so addictive!!!

 - EnigmaVision

The Rainbow......

Scientifically, we all know how a rainbow is formed. The seven colors that we see is nothing but what our main source of light (i.e. the Sun) is made of! Well known as the VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red).

As per the definition, it is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection of light in water droplets in the Earth's atmosphere resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. Also, it can be viewed from a particular angle.

 Life is no less than a rainbow. Our life also consists of different colors represented by the different phases, different emotions (love, jealousy, hurt, vengeance etc)   and the various situations (happy, sad, peaceful etc) that we go through.

Like the rainbow, life is no more but an illusion. It too depends on the angle from which we view it!